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Our Story

To ease another's heartache is to forget one's own.
~Abraham Lincoln
Little boy walking down a path in the woods

Holding Tiny Hands is made up of former preemie parents who know what it's like to have a baby in the NICU where you are forced to redefine your role as a parent. Instead of protecting your unborn baby in the womb, you watch him fight for his life as he is hooked up to machines with countless tubes and wires coming from his tiny, alien-like body. Instead of feeding her, you watch her receive her nutrients through a tube. Instead of clothing him, you know that he is dressed only in a diaper should something happen that would require immediate access to him. Instead of keeping her from harm, you watch the nurse prick her heal for the eighth time that day to retrieve blood for tests. Instead of hearing him cry, you can only see him cry because of the ventilator tube down his throat. Instead of holding her, you provide what little comfort you can with your hands through the holes of the isolate. Only another parent who has walked through this storm can truly understand what it's like for the parent currently facing these challenges. These are the parents of Holding Tiny Hands, providing encouragement, strength, and hope.

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